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  • Writer's pictureRobert O'Farrell

Helping you make prescriptions more affordable.

Updated: Dec 6, 2019

One of the most polarizing issues when looking at healthcare is the price of prescriptions. As an insurance broker I am often to help my clients address this issue. If you have an expensive prescription there are ACA compliant plans that allow for these drugs to be offered at a discounted rate. The downside to many of these plans is that the premiums go up considerably and many times you have to meet a deductible or pay co-insurance before benefits are paid out. This often leaves patients feeling like they have little to no options when trying to find a plan to meet there health insurance needs.

An easy way to lower your prescription costs for more common or generic drugs is to use a discount service such as Good Rx. The application will show you where you can get your medications and what they will cost with the discount. Many times if you have a fixed benefit plan those medication will cost less than a traditional co-pay. For more expensive medications it becomes more tricky. I have worked with clients that have had medications prescribed for them that cost hundreds of dollars for a 1 month supply. This is where the PRAM prescription plan comes in. For example a medication that costs $350 dollars even with a Good RX discount can go down to $130 on the top tier plan that PRAM offers. This is a $2640 per year savings. As always each case is different so if you would like more information you can message me here or e-mail me at

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